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Web sites

We use the following web-based tools to organize ourselves. If you are a Kids on Computers volunteer and need an account on these systems, please email your request to: accounts at kidsoncomputers dot org

Main Web Site

http://www.kidsoncomputers.org is our main site. In general terms, this site has:

This is a WordPress site. We love adding new content, and welcome any users that are interested in posting content.


http://wiki.kidsoncomputers.org -- if you're reading this, obviously you've found the wiki. This is where we put most things. Anonymous editing is disabled, to avoid spam.

Hardware Database

Kids on Computers uses GLPI to manage hardware donations. Our intention is to document and track hardware donations from initial donation to final installation in a lab. Memory, disk size, form factor (laptop/desktop), operating system, etc. are important to track. Our database is found at http://glpi.kidsoncomputers.org


We meet monthly (sometimes more frequently) to collaborate on our efforts. The Mozilla Foundation has allowed us to use their installation of Etherpad to share notes in real time at http://koc.etherpad.mozilla.org

To create new documents in Etherpad, a login is required. But editing existing docs is open to anyone. Here are a few of the Kids on Computers Etherpad documents already in existence:


We love using and promoting open source software. We occasionally will write some code of our own to facilitate our work. The code can be found at https://github.com/kidsoncomputers

Social Media

Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kidsoncomputers

Follow us on Twitter: @kidsoncomputers

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/koc/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/koc_pics/