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New Volunteer ReadMe

Web Site http://www.kidsoncomputers.org . It's a wordpress site, and we've been talking about updating the theme and adding much more content. If either of you (or anyone else on the list) is good with WordPress and wants to help out, please do.

Wiki Our wiki is at wiki.kidsoncomputers.org . There are some useful nuggets of info here, but could also use some work in organizing and adding content. We have some technical info about distros and installation procedures, but not as well organized as we'd like.

Inventory We maintain an inventory of donated equipment at glpi.kidsoncomputers.org . Username: glpi, password: glpi.

Meeting Notes Notes from our monthly meetings (and other ad-hoc meetings) are maintained in Etherpad, hosted by Mozilla. Start at https://koc.etherpad.mozilla.org/ 1 and going up to roughly https://koc.etherpad.mozilla.org/ 57